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911DA Story: Story
I will never forget the day or the million of emotions that ran through my body, when I first got wind of the horrifying news. All I could think about was my family and the many people who lost their lives that day. At first it seemed like a dream, but the reality set in after I had to walk to the Williamsburg Bridge from 59th street Columbus Circle. Once I saw the all the smoke in the air and the people crossing the bridge with their clothes covered in sut, tears stated to role down my face. Till this day I still cry when anything of 9/11 is mentioned. It left me with the feeling that New York or anywhere in the United States for that matter wasn't safe. This will be the second year anniversary of the the attack on the World Trade Center, bringing back all the hofffying memories of the past. My condolences go out to the families, even though I might not have known anyone in those buildings that day, I still feel the pain of your lost.
“story9351.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,