September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

September 11 seemed just like anyother day. i was staying at my uncles house in lower manhattan when i woke up to the sound of my uncles fire scanner going off. i woke up and all i remeber hearing is that their was an explosion at the world trade center. and some saw an airplane fly into it. thats all i heard for the next ten minutes until i heard the dispatcher call out my uncles engine company to go the world trade center my heart stopped and i feared for my uncle. i called my mom in ohio and asked if she had seen the news and she said no. i told her what had happened and told her that uncle rich was on his way to the world trade center. 5 min later as i sat on the couch watching the news my uncle called me from his cell phone and told me that if he wasnt home i knew why and i told him to call me before dark. he promised and told me to tell my mom an dad that he loved us all. and that was the last i heard from my uncle for two days. my mom drove 10 hours to the city and stayed with me she tried to get me home but i said i wanted to wait for uncle rich to come home. that night i has seen a FDNY chief car pull up and i figured it was my uncle but i looked out the window and it wasnt him it was the chief and a preist.I fell to the floor and just crie with my mom. 9/11 ruined my life it took away my hero my uncle.


“story20437.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,