September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

This was just an ordinary day. While in school we were leaving second period. we got there and saw Mrs. Tyler changing the channels on a t.v. The first thing we see on t.v. is a plane crashing into the north tower of the World Trade Center. It was so scarry. a number of seconds later we saw a plane crash into the south tower. The news was on a Spanish channel, I was able to understand it. I ended up finding out thjat a plane crashed into the Pentagon and one n a field in Pensylvania. It was so sad i almost started to cry. It was the worst thing to happer to America in the longest period of time. I was very sad for all the famalies that lost people either in the bulidings or on the planes.
During fourth period my mom came to pick me up. She was scared that something was going to happer here. When I got home I was happy to be with my family. Although i was with my borther and sister mty mom had to go back to work.Every one I know knows that i am very parinoid. I was wathcing t.v. and on every channel was the same thing. I will remember this for ever.


“story8090.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 25, 2025,