September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

Toward a more perfect Union...

In this past year of debate and healing, there have been a lot of questions that have been asked and others trying to be answered. Though, no one could possibly understand, nor make any sense of what happened on that fateful day, it seems that the only thing left is to pick up the pieces of our lives and try to heal and go on. Do not let Osama Bin Laden win. One question that I have had to answer to people seeking counsel is why should we allow the Muslims to reside in our country after this horrible attack. I tell them, because we are America, and freedom means everything to our people. Freedom not only for us but for all people who seek refuge from their oppressed Governments and individual societies. The one thought that has not been brought up by many people is the fact that a lot of the Muslim people came here so that their daughters and wives would be safe from the impending rule of the AlQuaida. Do they have to endure the injustice of their countries because we do not wish to have Muslims in our country due to some kind of threat to our country and people? We must remember that this war is not against the Muslim faith, it is against Osama Bin Laden. We took a stance to tell the people of Afghanistan that the degradation, and living conditions that they imposed upon the females of their country was not only wrong, it was inexcusable. A good majority of these people fled to protect their family members, and now we wish to ship them out of our country because we were attacked by the same men who attacked them in their own country? That would truly not be fair. We open our borders to people with such problems so that they may live a decent life, with the freedom of practicing their religion without the fear of retaliation, and the unbearable laws that their own country had imposed upon them. Instead of persecuting these people, shouldn't we accept them with arms wide open as our fore fathers had intended. Unless this country is open to all, to give the worlds people a place to live without fear of persecution, then we are truly the America that was intended. Lets not make this a war of religion. It is a war of a man who insisted on attacking us on our own homefront, but let us not forget that he made life unbearable in Afghanistan for their own people. Let us not punish a people because of the wrong doings of thier own goverment. After all that is why the fled their countries and sought out the freedom that we promised. And we should promise that freedom to all.


“tp210.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,