September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I work in a clothing store that is in Central New York, I'm one of the store's managers. I remember getting ready for work, and hearing on the radio about the first plane hitting the towers, and feeling as if it were all a dream.. I knew it was real when I turned on the television set and saw it all happening before my eyes. Work was crazy that day, we were glued to the radio, listening to everything as it happened, shocked, and in fear that it had happened at all. I also remember the point, while I was talking to a customer about it, about how most everyone in New York state knew someone that worked in those towers, or knew someone who knew someone, and realizing that I had two very dear friends that worked in those towers. I know that I am fortunate to know that they made it out, and are well today...but I feel for all the others who lost so much on that day. I also rememebr hearing others talking about the Arabs, and the Arab-Americans that live in the United States, and how many would feel sorry for what was to come for them, and that is when my own terror began, for my family's ethnic background is Arabic. I take care of my mother, and even though I live in a relatively small community, where everyone is friendly with everyone and everyone is welcomed with open arms into it, I felt fear go through me. I didn't know how people would react, if there would be those people in this small community, who would lash out anyone that was Arab, so at that point, I decided that I would remain quiet about many things, just for my own family's safety. Thankfully, nothing happened, but I don't think I've ever feared for my own life, as I did that day, while tears streamed down my face for the loss of so many.

I tried once to explain it to a friend in Australia, how it felt, how it hurt, even more, how proud the people of New York are of their home...and our all of New York. Not just the small towns, the big cities, or the farmlands where we live, but home to us - is all of the state. And all of the communities, the rich, the poor, gave and gave over and over....because it was home that was hurt, home that was destroyed on that fateful day. The one fateful day that all of us, The New Yorkers, and all of the world, will remember for the rest of time.


“story5962.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,