September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

Being the most powerful nation in the world, the United States has brought fear and terror to those other weaker nations. Many, no doubt, have had those encounters with the U.S.A. Since the days of the revolutionary war, the United States has continued to prove its leadership in the world. Has September 11th changed such a view? We have encountered a new era, one which was started by the beginning of the third millennium. Surely this new era belongs to us too, right? The terrorists think that it is their turn. Americans withheld minds exploded with reality those early morning hours of 9/11. Fear soon reached us, from the poor that live in the most remote regions in the United States, to our nations leaders in the White House. These leaders, led by President Bush, have noted, even towards the public, that we will not falter. Such ideas let the terrorists know that we are ready to take this new era too.
It will soon be the one year anniversary of such an act. Americans are still fearful of such violence similar to the destruction of the Twin Towers, the damage of the Pentagon, not to mention a greater loss: it is thousands of people who have passed away that literally gave millions a hard- earned lesson. While we lived carefree and in safety, others have secretly been envious of the United States, a country which promises freedom to its citizens.


“tp149.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,