September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

We as Americans consider ourselves a moral and just
people. Beyond our shores we are perceived as neither.
We preach liberty and justice for all. We claim to
export democracy and civil rights.

Ideologically we export greed and exploitation.
Neither is just or moral. Post 9/11, the best long
term solution to prevent future attacks is acknowledge
that the reason they hate us is because they see what
we don t about America. Our stated foreign policies
are hypocritical. Human and civil rights are
meaningless if economic rights are ignored. If we
exercise a truly moral foreign policy where businesses
export jobs where respect for workers, their needs,
their futures and their nations are considered we have
taken one step toward changing the minds of those that
hate us.

While we export jobs we should export all weve
learned and exercise here at home about respect,
empowerment and workers rights we will have set an
example we can be proud of. If we do not exploit and
subjugate foreign workers of American corporations,
their subsidiaries and subcontractors and export good
jobs with opportunity and respect we will be less
ideologically isolated. We will have less to fear and
we will have set a true moral example of the highest
order. If we learn anything from the horror of 9/11 it
should be that we have the opportunity to reverse the
hate. The only way to do that is to set the example
we preach and export respect for the rights of all
workers, not fear and greed.


“tp214.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,