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911DA Story: Story
I was walking home from taking my 10 year old son to school,with my 2 year old in the stroller.As I was walking,I was looking up to the sky and saying to myself what a beautiful day.The sky was so blue, no clouds,and the sun was already warm on my face at eight a.m.When I arrived home, I had put on cartoons and made breakfast for my 2 year old.About 9:20 my husband called from work and asked if I had the television on.I told him that Ryan was watching his shows.He asked me to put on the news channel, that 2 planes had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York,and another into the Pentagon.I thought he was joking with me, that could not really happen.I changed the channel, and I was stunned, this was unreal. I thought someone was making a movie. I watched nothing else and was still in disbelief until I had arrived at my sons school to pick him up,and noticed the school flag was at half staff.Then I knew all that happened was real.I felt like crying, it was so sad.I could not understand how this could happen in this country,that was something you hear about someplace else.
“story7348.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,