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TomPaine Story: Story

He was barely president--in terms both of the election outcome and time in
office--and it appeared already that he was on his way out. Few saw him as
a two-term president. Then, mysteriously, on September 11, 2001 George W.
Bush ""hit the Trifecta"" (his words). At that moment the world changed for
America, but more importantly it changed for George W. Bush. He was
instantly the icon of a stunned and vengeful America. Just like that, this
nitwit who obviously had become president by political and judiciary
slight-of-hand, was transformed into a potent leader.

There is a sucker born every minute, and you CAN fool some (if not most) of
the American people all of the time. Anyone with Karl (with a ""K"" as in
Mien Kampf) Rove as his Minister of Propaganda is not likely to go down
without first throwing a fist full of sand in his opponents' faces. 9/11
has taught us that the rich and powerful will stop at absolutely nothing.

In Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book titled ""The World Chess Board"", he makes
an impassioned argument for the US to embark upon a course of economic and
military ""Hegemony"" to save the world from itself. Brzezinski suggests this
will require control of Eurasia (Europe and Asia) by the US, and it can be
accomplished only by controlling the world's last great oil reserves in the
Caspian Basin. Among the countries that border this gigantic oil pool are
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, et al. One
of these pawns has now fallen. Which will be next in the US quest for world
hegemony? Watch the evening news and find out.

A More Perfect Union? Sorry, but you simply can't get there from here.


“tp189.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,