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TomPaine Story: Story

Has anything gotten better since September 11th?
It seems everyday the "mcmilitarial industrial complex
Corporation" tightens its grip around the necks of the
American Consumer (citizen?). Since September 11th,
the "liberal" mass media has reported about six
stories that could be considered investigative
journalism that entailed more legwork than walking to
the AP machine. "The W" and American CEO Dick Cheney
have remained bullet proof despite enormous amounts of
evidence that testify to their shadiness and unfitness
to serve people they know nothing about nor care to.
"There will be no more easy money, just hard time,"
says George.
That s just funny. When politicians get to this level
of hypocrisy it enters the realm of "super irony."
Language implodes under its own weight at this stage,
releasing intermittent laughter and sobbing as

The average consumers societal plight is virtually
the same.
It s still easier for a corporation to claim
bankruptcy and get shelter from debt than the average
citizen. US foreign policy is still putting us all
at risk. The gap between rich and the poor is
widening. The economy sucks. Our civil liberties are
in dire condition. The democrats are mostly a bunch
of pushovers and get their money from the same place
as republicans anyway. Politics and big business is,
as usual, an incestuous orgy of influence and power
that we are not invited to.
So, whats gotten better? September 11th has done
nothing to reform the corrupt power structure from
what I can see. My life is the pretty much the same
besides being laid off and the ridiculous amount of
reading Ive been doing. Reading. Thats whats gotten
better since 9/11. September 11th has made me more
informed and probably others. Knowledge is often
increased by tragedy. Knowledge is good. Perhaps
things are looking up.


“tp74.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,