September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

If 9/11 was a wake-up call, why are we as a nation still asleep and dreaming
that the fear industry (Homeland Security, Airport Security, Militarized
Security, invading poor countries in the name of our Security) will
protect us? Why does much of the world fear and hate and threaten us? Why is
the administration and media so focused on resisting terrorism without
asking what terrorism really means?

We citizens, awake or not, are politically and financially supporting
military aggression upon the already occupied people of Palestine. We
invaded Afghanistan and threaten to invade other sovereign states because
they may harbor terrorists. This arrogant aggression, to many in the rest of
the world, is the epitome of terrorism! It is MILITARIZED TERRORISM:
terrorizing the world with vague and specific threats and acts of using U.S.
military might against relatively defenseless peoples. Where is the logic in
thinking it is OK for tanks and helicopters to kill civilians but not for
suicide bombers? Suicide bombs are a tactic of war, of an oppressed people
making a statement about their desperation.

The Golden Rule works this way: Do unto others (terrorize), as you would
have them do unto you (terrorize). So, after a wedding party was
slaughtered, as collateral damage, our troops were attacked.

To build a more perfect union, we must wake up from this illusion (that we
are not terrorists) before we escalate as an aggressor state, endangering
our own real safety and that of everyone else in the world. We citizens must
reclaim the democratic process of thinking and discussing the effects of our
militarized terrorism and militarized economy.

Lets wake up and unite for real security by a war against oppression
everywhere, fairly sharing the worlds resources, converting military
spending to schools, hospitals, and factories in impoverished, oppressed
countries----instead of bombing them.


“tp193.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,