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911DA Story: Story
I was home on maternity leave (my daughter was born on September 2, 2001)and we were watching the Today Show. All of the sudden they broke into a live news report that an airplane had crashed into the WTC and no one could confirm any details. They were showing live pictures of the towers and all of the sudden out of the corner of the t.v. you could see another airplane fly right into the second tower. It was horrifying to watch not only the plane crash but also all of the terrified people running and yelling everywhere. I didn't known what to do except to hold my daughter and watch in awe. I called my husband at work and he said that they were all gathered around a small t.v. in the lunch room at his factory watching the same thing. I turned the station to try and get a break from the tragedy for a few minutes but it was on every station, every radio station, every where I turned. I know that I wasn't near any of these plane crashes that day, but watching what happened and only having half of my family with me at that moment was terrifing enough, I can't even fathom what the family and friends of the victims have and will always have to re-live. My heart and thoughts go out to everyone on this sad day.
“story4344.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,