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TomPaine Story: Story

Toward A More Perfect Union

First, democratic principle was destroyed in the 2000 fuzzy election which shoved George Bush into the White House. If a Democrat were president, we might've gotten some real political and economic reform. Bush Baby was selected to ensure business as usual after the carnage from Wall Street's collapse.

Next, mounting evidence about 9/11 reveals more questions than answers. How did Osama bin Laden happen to be a son of a Saudi family with close, Bush family ties? What weapons and covert strategies did the CIA give him? Did the WTC towers fall independently or were they detonated to avoid their toppling over a greater area (remember 7 WTC fell although not hit directly)? Did the passengers in the last highjacked plane crash the jet or did our forces destroy it? After so many lies from our leaders, can we believe anything they say again?

Last, the corporate class saw their chance to reconstruct the economy by caving in the overbought market place, while burying the savings and pensions of countless workers. With Georgie Boy in charge, they had no fear of swift justice for the destitution created. Corporate executives received a soft landing from their platinum parachutes. The great divide between rich and poor has little to do with superior skills of the ruling class. It's the result of a persistent and systematic fiscal rape of the working classes.

The indefinite war against terrorism is simply a charade to divert resources from the building of the Global Village to the maintenance of the inhuman World War Industry. Peace won't be achieved through strength (war) but through universal health. Violence is unhealthy for individuals and governments alike. These troubled times need 21st century, futuristic leadership, not 12th century, feudalistic dictatorship. When we give peace though health a chance, we'll all succeed.


“tp195.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,