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TomPaine Story: Story


The Bully Pulpit

Before the Twin Towers, the USA thought
it was number one and acted like it. Kid
bullied kid in school till the bullied shot
back. The governor of Texas did
the same, joking with a fellow frat
boy about executing Carla Fay:
""Please don't kill me!"" Republicans that sat
on the Supreme court liked this kid's way
with people and appointed him president. They admired
his dad for going around the world to beat
up another bully, and since Dad inspired
Moslems to hate us by crapping on the seat
of Allah's holiness, starving and poisoning a bunch
of babies and leaving the bully in power, they
anointed his popular but out-to-lunch
boy to tell the world ""So What!"" One day
some crazed Moslems flew Columbine-style
into the pillars of wealth, popularity
and power. Stunned at the brutality of this vile
act, the boy and his dad's friends, for parity,
went after the bully responsible but missed
him and killed a bunch of women and kids instead.
These days, nothing much has changed. The gist
of it is, haves still wonder what they said
or did to make the have nots go nuts. Nerd
and pariah are at their computers making plans.
To expect thought or compassion would be absurd.
So God bless all the bullies and their fans.


“tp176.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,