September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

Perhaps the Agendas interruption was overdue. Who really needed to spend last summer watching the all-Chandra-all-the-time soap opera or a shamelessly hyped (but statistically insignificant) increase in shark attacks? It was time to get real. While hijackings, Anthrax, bombings and Saddam are indeed distracting, people dont completely forget other topics. Since September 11, the Agenda has studiously ignored the fact that under current conditions, Social Security is irretrievably unsustainable.

Unsustainable is a strong word, yet no other approaches its concise accuracy. The Agenda had both its Right and Left hands in our Lockbox long before September 11. You want numbers? Look at any Federal budget and pay close attention to the ratio of income to expenses. Upon Boomer retirement, the tax base will dwindle while costs for both retirement care and unending war spiral upward with no ceiling in sight. The only suggestions the Agenda can offer are to cut benefits, raise taxes ñ or both. The Agenda cant get elected on that platform.

We cant have it all! Its time that we, as a nation, seriously examined our principles and our priorities. Axis of Evil? Who cares about that when Grandma has to choose between the power bill and dinner? Missile defense? How about a prescription cost defense instead? The Agenda fears to propose one common-sense solution that would work: rework the budget! Take 50% of current military spending and phase it into the rescue of not only Social Security, but indeed of our Society over a ten-year period. Use some of those funds to offer science scholarships and incentives for health care professions. Put downsized soldiers to work upgrading our infrastructure, expanding technology and rebuilding our industries. America can once again proudly take the lead, if we let her.

But I forget: thats not on the Agenda.


“tp212.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,