September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It was a normal morning. September 11 WAS a normal morning. Of course it was, it was just another working day for me. Wake up early, get dressed, drink my cafe-con-leche, read the morning paper. I laughed at the headlines: "FCAT Scores show Students Progress". I thought to myself, 'Man, can't they think of something better to put on the front page?'. I wish I had never thought that.

I had just concluded a great session of teaching with my second graders. They were in other classes, their specials ( Computers, Art, etc. ). I was on my break. I decided to get some coffee and hang out in the front office. As I was walking down the hallway, I saw a colleague of mine rush towards me, his face filled with shock and, God knows, every other emotion you can think of. "A jet has just slammed into the World Trade Center!" He screamed, tugging at my sleeve for me to follow him. I thought he was joking and I didn't think it was funny. I decided to go to the front office to see for myself what this was all about, and, when I got there...I saw it. Everyone was crowded around the television in awe of what they were seeing. I stayed where I was ( I couldn't move! ) I saw the second plane hit the second tower live. And I also saw the explosion at the Pentagon. And I also heard about the third plane land somewhere in the distance. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was actually happening. Someone had actually attacked us. How was this possible? Who could have done this, why? They must pay. They must pay the ultimate price! Those were the thoughts running through my mind. I was so emotional that I didn't know what I was going to do. My kids were about to come in from specials and the Principal told us not to say a word because some of our kids had family in the towers.
After a few minutes, I decided to cry my eyes out. But when I went into a room to do so, I couldn't do it. I was so shocked and apalled, the tears wouldn't come out. Later that night, my mother told me that it was okay for me to cry. I knew it was, but it had to happen on my own. Well, time has passed and I will never forget what happened that day. I know this seems odd, but I live my life everyday thinking about September 11. THere hasn't been a day gone by when I don't think about it.


“story950.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,