September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

My best friend John called me and told me to turn on the T.V. He said that a plane had hit the WTC. When I turned on the T.V. I could not believe my eyes. When I saw the second plane hit the other tower the only thing I could do was watch in total disbelief. As may of you reading this may hear, this event was like watching a movie. I deeply felt the pain that I saw on T.V. but until you see something first hand it dosen't fully register. It's like when I would see the nations monuments in the history books when I was in school, you know that they are there but when you see them in person they have a profound affect on you. The one thing that still sticks in my head was the silence in the skies. Not one plane not even a vapor trail. I often wonder why something so small could mean so much to me. Perhaps this of all things brought this disaster into my world of reality. One day I hope to visit each all three sites. This will mark the time I will be able to completly understand the scope of death and destruction.
I suspect that I will shead more tears when this day arrives.
For now I pray for those who are without there loved ones.
I hope they will find peace.


“story6082.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,