September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

What have we learned from 9/11? Look at the budget and tell me where this government should put our taxes - in the coffers of a bunch of greedy corporate welfare recipients, or into our own people and communities? The tax base a year ago was said to consist of: 90% from individual citizens in this and only 10% of it came from corporations. Now the corporate taxes have dropped two more percent to even less ñ around 8% while the rest of the country groans under the weight of debt and corporate welfare. Hello? We already know that almost 50% of the working people in this country are working below poverty level which means that the very tax dollars taken from the poor are a huge part of over half of the tax base. This money is being put into places like subsidizing Enron-like corporations for so-called ""services"" - what services? You mean it is a ""service"" to gut the municipalities of the energy they depend upon and throw states into a state of emergency so a few CEOs can get their golden parachutes and leave the rest of their workers to starve while states pay the bill? Some service! What is happening here and why am I weeping? Perhaps it is because it is only getting worse. I have lost count of the staggering number of corporations who've benefited from this sort of ""support"" which is nowhere near the paltry 2% of our national budget going for social welfare or the 4% taken from out of 47% of the budget being used to pay our nations finest - soldiers who make wages that put them below the poverty line. Soldiers being used as political footballs in the name of 9/11.

Nothing has changed my leaders' mind- nothing


“tp218.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,