September 11 Digital Archive






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TomPaine Story: Story

Melvin, have you rehearsed the song I wrote for you?

Well, boss, we wrote something of our own.

What do you mean, something of your own? I write the songs around here, I call the shots, I deposit the checksÖ

But boss, there's something we thought needed to be said, just listen. It's about September 12th.

You mean September 11th, 9-11, right?

No boss, I mean September 12th.

Really? What happened on September 12th?

Just listen, boss.

Soon the media will dwell
On a day we remember all too well.
The World Trade towers and the fires they'll show.
We'll all grieve and rightly so.

But something else tragic happened that day
Not so very far away.
Twenty thousand gave up the ghost
Just when the world could have helped them the most.

What are you talking about, Melvin? What 20,000 gave up the ghost? Where?

Well, boss, I'm talking about the 20,000 people who die each day in the world from starvation and preventable disease. Every day, September 10, September 11, September 12, that's about 7-1/2 million people a year, boss. Not to mention the millions more who just live in grinding poverty and miserable conditions but do manage to survive.

Well, that's hard to believe, Melvin. I mean, that may be so, but I don't see what that has to do with what happened on 9-11. I think it's disrespectful to even make the comparison, why, it'sÖ

It's what, boss? It's what's been on my mind, that's all. Here, sing along with us.

Well, I hardly think I'll be singing alongÖ

How can we forget the day,
Three thousand got blown away.
But what a shock to start to explore
That that day, and the day after, and the day before

Twenty thousand dropped like flies
Right before the world's uncaring eyes.
So while you bask in our bounty and wealth
Remember September 12th.

Melvin, that's shocking. That's absolutely insensitiveÖunpatriotic!

What's unpatriotic about it, boss?

Well, with all due respect to those starving Africans and everything, the 3,000 who died were Americans. Well, mostly Americans.

Well, are Americans lives more important than other people's lives?

WellÖwell yes, by God they are.

I don't think God would agree with you on that one, boss.

September 11th, we'll never forget.
You remember where you were, I bet.
While America went about its biz
We found out what terror is.

But not so very far away
Millions barely hang on every day.
So while you enjoy your radiant health
Remember September 12th.

Well, Melvin, perhaps they're used to a life of terror, as you call it. We're not. What happened here was intentional, preventable.

Well, the 20,000 a day are preventable, too, boss. That's what the experts say.

Really? I find that hard to believe.

Just look it up, boss. Anywhere. There could be plenty food and water and health care for everyone if we cared enough. But when was the last time you heard it even brought up in the papers or on radio or on TV?

Well, well, let me think.

That's my point, boss, I guess it's not very important.

Well, frankly, maybe that's just their bad luck. If they just applied themselves and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

Gimme a break, boss. Do you think you could survive for a week in those conditions, without your credit cards, without adequate food, water and health care? I think it would be Sayonara for you, bossÖ In fact, when your time comes your little soul might even , boss.

Well, we can't spend our time worrying about everybody in the world, Melvin. We have plenty to do improving the moral fiber of this country. We can't be worrying about the whole human race. I think it's a waste of time to even try.

Right, boss, moral fiber. I guess people like Bill Gates and the thousands of people who are struggling to help turn things around are just dreamers. Yeah, Bill Gates has no grasp of reality, he never accomplished anything, right, boss?

Well, well.

So while we bask in our bounty and wealth,
Remember September 12th.


“tp186.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,