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TomPaine Story: Story

Toward A More Perfect Union: Lessons Learned or
Not: Since 9/11

My heart racing, my foot tapping as I watched
nervously the twin towers colliding with the cause of
a single aircraft on each building. I felt as if I
were in a dream, a dream being watched, but I wasnt
dreaming. As I saw the smoke, the lights, people
scared and running with his certain look on their
face, I knew this was going to be a day never
forgotten. September 11, 2001, who wouldve thought
that would be a day to take a big part of NY and never
be forgotten. The twin towers played a big part of NY
and now that part is missing. Many peoples lives were
taken and changed forever. This past summer when I
visited NY and passed ground zero, I was deeply
saddened as to what I saw. There was once two tall
buildings and now are gone with nothing but
construction and flowers by the gate left by families
who lost a loved one.
As much as this was a tragedy, this also played a
big part of unity. We not only learned to unite and
work together as a nation, but to be proud to live in
the United States of America. September 11 has brought
a big impact on the way people now act and feel. There
is a lot more respect, kindness, and generosity
towards one another.
We also learned the U.S. government should have
taken terrorist threats more seriously. We do know now
that any little threat we should take seriously and be
prepared for anything about to come.

September 11, is a day we shall never forget. A day
that not only brought the nation
together, but more aware of whats about to come our
way. One nation under God, we shall stay strong and


“tp129.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,