September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Well first of all I had no idea that all this had happened I was running late for class so I hadn't even turned the TV or radio on, so when I got to class and everyone was talking about something I had no idea what they were talking about. So I listened for a while and I caught bits and pieces of it, but never really caught the whole thing the teacher let us out early b/c she was pretty shaken. So I went back to my room to find out what was going on when I got there my roomate(my cousin) was watching it on TV I couldn't believe it had happened. I watched as they showed it over and over again the people running the 1st building falling and then the second it was terrifing I struggled to keep from bursting out in tears and anger to who did this. I didn't understand how God could let this happen to so many innocent people. I'm a strong Christian and it scared me b/c if you know the Bible it talks about the end times and things like this happening, wars and rumors of rumors, nation will rise against nation and so on. I watched everyday as they showed it over and over the planes hitting the buildings and them talking about people calling their loved ones or some getting out b/c they ran others not getting out b/c they stopped to help someone and neither got out, or even the ones who jumped to their death. Even though I had no one in the buildings it made my heart hurt for the ones who did. For the children who lost mothers or fathers or for the husbands and wifes who lost their spouse, or for the parents that lost their children. It was horrible, but through it all I prayed and trusted that God knowing all that had happened would be there having his arms around every single family member that was watching this happen. As the days went by and we heard more stories of things that happened inside of that buildind and even inside of one of those planes I didn't feel so much hurt and anger anymore but I felt much more strong and ready to do whatever I had to do, b/c hearing the strength in these peoples voices when they said honey Im not coming home tonight or the man on the plane who took actions into his own hands and said "Let's Roll" he made me know that we weren't cowards like the men who had done this but strong Americans that stood on a past of strong men and women who built this country on the word "IN GOD WE TRUST" and who never waivered from that adn I believe we should remember if they could get through it then we can get through it now and those cowards who actually thought they hurt us only made us stronger and more united as "One nation under God Indivisible w/Liberty and Justice for All"


“story2592.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 28, 2024,