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911DA Story: Story
I was in the hospital NICU feeding my daughter when one of the nurses came in and told us that she had seen on TV that an airplane hit the world trade center. A while later she came back to say that another plane had hit the second tower. I left the nursery to find a TV in the waiting room only to be horrified at what I was watching unfold before my eyes. I left the hospital to find my husband, and had a hard time reaching him. By the time that I contacted him, the first tower had collapsed. He had been in a meeting and had not heard yet. We live in the Capitol of Florida where the Presidents' brother serves as Governor. I feared that we may be next. My husband left work to pick up our son from preschool and take him home. I returned to the hospital to be with my daughter. The worst feeling was having to leave her that night, and the fact that our entire family could not be together in such a time of crisis.
“story4909.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,