September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

At the time, I was going through an intelligence course for a new MOS (job in the military) for the Marines. It just so happened that I needed to go to medical that morning; exactly what for, I don't remember, as the rest of the events of the day drowned it out with more troubling memories. As I was returning to the school, I passed by the lounge/snack area, where I saw a bunch of servicemen (Marines and Airmen) watching the overhead TV steadfastly. On the TV was coverage of the World Trade Center, with smoke billowing out of it from the first plane that hit. This was troubling, but I had to return to class. I figured I had something to talk about to the class. Little did I know that the situation would worsen.
I returned to class and joined in with the lesson. In a little while, word came to us of a second plane hitting the WTC. Pretty soon, the Pentagon had been hit. Then the Force Protection (Threat) Condition of the base went to it's highest level, FPCon Delta. This meant noone was to be outside, noone was allowed to go home, and that security was to be so tight that you could barely move. Someone came into the classroom to officially inform us of what had taken place during the day. At lunchtime, we normally were set free to obtain lunch. This day, however, they obtained buses to take all of us to the chow hall. If you didn't have money for it, arrangements were made through other students to get you a few dollars for chow. Everyone was herded in a straight line from a hallway out to the buses, once it was determined that everyone had their ID card. Every building had someone checking IDs. It was a hectic day.
However, we didn't let the terrorists affect our training. No matter what they were trying to affect, we wouldn't let them affect our training schedule. Though it was a challenge, and hard for some of us who knew people hurt in the attack, we finished out the day of training right on schedule. Though they destroy our buildings and people, they will not destroy America and our will to live.


“story6080.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 6, 2025,