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911DA Story: Story
I arrived at work at 8:30 on 9/11/01. We were watching the progress of Tropical Storm Gabrielle and making preparations for a direct hit, which did occur 3 days after 9/11. It was also my niece's 17th birthday. At about 8:35 my best friend called me. She was extremely upset. Her husband was being transported by ambulance to the hospital. He'd had a stroke. I was sitting at my desk, terribly upset by this news and contemplating leaving the office and going to be with my friend at the hospital when the phone rang again. It was my employer's wife. She told me a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I ran into the conference room and turned on the TV. My boss arrived moments later and I called him into the conference room. As we sat and watched the horrifying scene, the second airplane came into view. We sat in stunned, horrified silence as the second tower was attacked. We knew immediately that our country was under attack by terrorists. I was certain I couldn't have been more shocked and stunned after seeing the attacks on the World Trade Center. Of course, little did we know that it was far from over. Then there was the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA. We sat glued to the TV all day. The only calls made to the office that day were from our spouses, friends and loved ones. We closed the office early that day. My concern for my friend who'd had the stroke was greatly dimmed by the tragic events of the day. Because of the love I have for my friends, I felt somewhat guilty at being more concerned over the terrorist attacks than my friend's health, although he did make a full recovery. Until the storm hit us the Friday following 9/11 and knocked out our electricity and television cable, TV coverage of 9/11 was on constantly. As we commemorate the 1 year anniversary of 9/11, I must say that it feels like 9/11/01 was yesterday, not a full year ago. My tears still fall, and will continue to fall, for all of those who lost loved ones. My heart and prayers are ever with the families, friends and loved ones of those whose lives were tragically ended on 9/11/01. Countless heros were born on 9/11/01. To all of the rescue and law enforcement personnel, our military forces, and the countless numbers of civilians who gave of themselves to help others through this tragedy, and still continue to do so, Thank You and God Be With You. I will never forget that day. I don't want to forget that day. As tragic a day as 9/11 was, it will always be a constant reminder of how strong this country is. It gave many of us a renewed sense of patriotism and made us realize that we should never take the freedoms we have for granted. This country will stand united. This country will never forget what happened on 9/11 and we will be stronger for it.
“story6708.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,