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SEIU Story: Story

SEIU Local 1984 Joins National Relief Effort To Help Terror Victims <P>CONCORD -- The union representing service employees in New Hampshire is mobilizing members to provide relief for victims of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. <P>State civil servants, county and municipal workers, and private-sector employees are being asked by their leaders to contribute to a fund set up to assist hundreds of their brothers and sisters who worked in the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The union began the fund-raising drive with a contribution of $7,021, or one dollar for each dues-paying member. <P>Service Employees International Union or SEIU locals represent New York state employees, janitors, security officers, building engineers, window washers, and tour guides who worked at the World Trade Center. In addition, a number of SEIU health care workers who responded to the attack are listed among the casualties after the twin towers collapsed. <P>'We recognize the horror that the terrorist attacks have inflicted on all victims and their families,' said Tim Decker, president of SEIU Local 1984, the State Employees Association of New Hampshire. 'We have a special affinity with the public servants who worked in the World Trade Center. This includes the many firefighters, police officers and emergency medical workers who put their lives on the line in the face of overwhelming violence.' <P>The union notes that a critical need exists for trained and experienced counselors to provide grief and trauma counseling to victims, witnesses and families in New York. SEIU urges members who can make themselves available to provide that assistance to e-email contact information to

SEIU Story: Local Union

Local 1984


“seiu37.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 24, 2024,