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911DA Story: Story
Even though I was thousands of miles away from New York it was still hard to hear the news. I remember that day as if it was last week. I was getting ready to go to school when my dad yelled for me to come into the living room. The first tower had been hit by a plane. I didn't really think anything of it until I stood there and watched the second plane it. Nobody was expecting it. I was in a hurry because I was late for school, so we listened to the news the whole time to school. As I got into my classroom the tv was already on. Nobody knew what was going on, that's when the Pentagon got hit. Everyone just stared silently as we watched our nation under attack. This was the United States of America!! Then news came in of the Pensilvania plane crashing. Everyone was in complete shock. We sat there and watched the tv screen as people started jumping out of the highest stories of the twin towers. How bad had it must have been to feel so completely lost that you would jump out of a 100 story building. I remember thinking that the world was ending. Then just as I thought that the worst was over, the first tower collapsed. People were screaming, what would it have been like to be there, in New York, watching as your city fell to pieces. I went straight home after school and watched the news all night long. The numbers were coming in that as many as 15,000 people had lost their lives. Now that it has been a year I still am in shock, how could this have happened to our country? America the beautiful, the land of the free. As I watched the footage once again of what happened one year ago, I still get chills up my spine. I think, I am so lucky to be here in Utah, away from the terror, death and destruction of that day. What about the people who were there? The people who lived through it all, the family members who lost so many loved ones, not only the heros-but all the ordinary good hearted people like you and me who died. I pray for them every night, and I will for the rest of my life. Losing a loved one is hard enough, but to lose someone for no reason--to see them one minute then the next watching on tv as they die. America is strong, but the people of New York are stronger. They keep their heads held up high, knowing that their father, mother, brother, sister, co-worker, child, etc. died serving America. It is hard to think that more than 3000 good people lost their lives that day. They will always be remembered. Maybe not thier faces, or their names, but their spirits. I found a website that listed every name of everyperson who was murdered on that day. I printed it out to keep as a rememberence-not just for me, but for my child and their children. They may not understand what it was like, they may not be able to concieve 3000 people, I think showing them the list of people will make them understand more clearly. It will show them that the people who died were real people, true Americans. A day like this will never be forgotten, it must not be forgotten. We need to keep it in our minds and in our hearts. We need to remember that everyone has a soul. Be nicer to our fellow Americans, smile more, love more. We owe it to those that so tradjectly lost their lives. I love America. As September 11, 2002 came and I saw all of the memorials and listened to everyones stories, I could not keep myself from tearing up. No I did not know anyone who died, but I am an American just like everyone else. In Sandy there was a memorial-- 3012 American Flags and a flag for every other country that lost a person. As I walked through this "cemetary" I couldn't help but think that every one of these flags was a person, the enormity of it was too much. 3000 people, how could someone do that? On one of the music stations they had a child who had lost their dad talking, she said, if only those terrorists could have sat down and talked to my dad, they would see what a good person he was and they would have never done this to him. My heart wept for that child and every other child that has to grow up parentless. May thy have strength and comfort in this time of need. America loves you, and everyone who lost a loved one. May we remember who we are, AMERICANS, let freedom ring and peace prevail, Good will always conquer Evil. America is the good and we will win this war! I love my country and I am proud to be an American!
“story7260.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,