September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

On the day of this massacre, i was in my home town, in school, minding my own business. When i walk into my History teachers classroom, i see the sudents are deathly quiet watching the T.V. When i enter i realize that something bad has happened. I hear the repoirter on the tv talking about a plane crash. and i thought it might not be that much of a big deal. I sit in my seat, and watch with the rest of my classmates. Then the screen switches to this vision of a large building with smoke coming out of it and surrouding it. I look over at my friend, and cant believe this is happening.

The more i watch i gradually find out that the plane crash wasnt on the ground, but that some plane has crashed into a major building in new york city. I begin to image whta it must have been like for the passengers on the aircraft. Knowing they were about to die, and in turn help to kill others. On the screen they kept haunting us by showing us over and over what must have happened, and the footage they had on it all. It was the most horrible thing i had seen at the time. Then it happened. We all of a sudden get the news broadcaster projecting the fact that there is another plane sighted and then BOOM! We watch in dismay as the second tower got hit. My teacher makes us do some work for a while, and at the end of class we turn the t.v. back on. We find out that the tower has crashed, we watch it all crash and burn to the ground, and a mass of dust and rubble go crashing all over the city as if a tidal wave of smoke. That again was a huge shock. a few of my classmates go running from the room, they have family that lives in new york, and they wonder if they are going to be ok or not. My reaction was one of bewilderment, shock, and of confusion. I didnt know what to think or what to do when the second tower crashed i was scared.

When i got home i watched the T.V, the news, and reports. We could see the people accually jumping out of the buildings, we could see them on the t.v. it was horrible, we had tellephone conversations of family memeber able to call their loved ones minutes before death on the air planes. I began to cry. I remember thinking how horrible this is. This is an act of war, and we will catch who is responsible for it. My main thoghts were those of the famies who were effected directly, who were unsure if their loved ones were going to come home that night or not. In my opinion, there hasnt been anything this horrible in our past since pearl harbor attack.


“story9231.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 17, 2024,