September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was at school when I heard about the attacks. Soon after the news broke I went to history class and our teacher allowed us to go on the internet to find out what was happening and the extent of the destruction that had occurred. We were one of the only classes that knew what horror was actually happening and couldn't even expalain to my friends the horror that we saw, they could not comprehend. The next few hours were very surreal. It seemed like I was living in a movie.It was a beautiful day outside but one of the most devastating days in U.S. history . Thankfully all my family was safe but I knew a lot of people who worked at the pentagon and were affected. That evening because I live in northern Virginia I actually saw afir force one fly over head. I knew it had to be it because all other air transportation had been ceased. ALso because of the proximity of where I live in relation to the pentago we did not go to schol the next day which was good for those affected but it really made you stay and and think about what had just happened. Many confused emotions filled my mind.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

My life was not directly affected by Sept. 11 but it made me realize how vunerable we are as a country. As a world power and a land of freedom many other nations resent us and see us as a target. It made me realize that we are not invicible and made me cherish the things I once took for granted.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think our country's perseverance and the way we all banded together should be remembered. Even though we are counrty filled with many different people and cultures, we banded together to help each other through the difficult times and as a result out nation remained strong.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, I did fly a flag after the events. I think the American flag isn't taken for granted anymore, but it is sad that it took such tragic events to make us appreciate what we stand for, freedom and liberty.


“nmah5751.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,