September 11 Digital Archive






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Date Entered


NMAH Story: Story

I was driving to my mother's house and my husband called me to tell me what was happening. I turned on the T.V. as soon as I got there.I seen the second plane crash and they were talking about the Pentagon. I cried all night, I felt so bad for the people that were in the buildings and the planes. I was very angry. I had to explain to my son how someone could hurt and kill so many people. It was a very sad day for all of us. I watched the T.V. everyday to see what was happening. I wanted so bad to go there and do whatever I could to help.

Very sad day.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I dont take alot of stuff for granted. I tell my son and my husband everytime that I see them that I love them. I do more for other people. I am a caring person but I go out of my way for others in my family and friends.

NMAH Story: Remembered

That it was a day that the world came together to help each other. It didnt matter what color, Race, or religion. Everyone helped everyone. That is the good thing about living in the U.S.A. and no one can take that!!!!

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes I did fly the flag. I put it out where everyone could see. I dont think that I appreciated it as much as I do now.


“nmah231.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 28, 2024,