September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I work for Palm Beach County, Florida Government, in the Public Information Office. I am the Web Site Design Coordinator for our government web site. My work day begins at 7:00 A.M.. On September 11, 2001 I was at my desk working. A few other people had come to work early. I usually monitor the news as part of my job. That morning I had not turned the news on until about 8:30 A.M.. I was working and listening the the TV news on Fox News Channel when they interupted the regular program to tell everyone that a commercial jet aircraft had hit the World Trade Center. I spun around in my chair (the TV is behind me) shocked to hear the news. In the next few minutes they aired recorded footage of the first jet hitting and then live I witnessed the second jet hit the other tower and people falling or jumping to their deaths.

I was completely overwhelmed with multiple emotional reactions. Saddness for those on the jets and those in the towers and those still living who lost loved ones. Anger at those who could be so decieved into thinking this was justified. Anger at those who would say that some kind of god could approve of this. Fear that it could happen anywhere, even the 12 story building I was working in. Love for the United States and what this country is supposed to stand for, which of late has been trampled by leaders and citizens with little moral decency.

Thoughts came to me. Can this be the start of a new terrible future where the United States will become like Israel or Ireleand or Malaysia, where human life is cheap and terrorists freely kill and injure people? How will we respond. Will we fight back? Who will we fight? The enemy live among us. I worried for my 18 month-old son and my wife. How could I protect them from such terror?

Then the third jet hit the Pentagon. Oh my God. My brother-in-law might be working in there. He has worked ther in the past and I never know where he is. I must call my sister to see if all is well.

The fourth jet hits the ground in Pennsylvania. What is happening? This is not real. Who could plan such a horrible thing. Who could organize and brainwash enough people to make this hiddeous plan work?

My sister is home. Thank God! Are you ok? Where is Wayne? Is he ok? Thankfully he is not working in the Pentagon today. My sister is full of fear and saddness.

The news states that another plane may be approaching Washington D.C.. Oh no, my niece works for the Vice Pesident. What are they doing? I call to find that they have been evacuated and all is well.

Everyone in my office is in shock. All work has stopped. Everyone trying to cope with the tragic events which are unfolding. One person has to be carried out of the building. She is histerical. Her brother was working in one of the World Trade Center towers.

She refuses to be consoled. Crying, saddness, grief, pain...

I thought, the only place to look for hope is in Jesus Christ. I finally stopped everything and started to pray. Jesus Christ is always there. He lives in every heart who trusts in His sacrifice for their personal sins. He died that we might live. His ressurection guarantees that all who believe in and follow Him will have eternal life. I prayed that all those who perished trusted in Jesus Christ, and that all those who lost loved ones would turn to Jesus Christ.

Sin has birthed evil in this world. Jesus has provided forgiveness for sin. One day in the near future He will completely remove sin from all humanity.

I want to be there when he does. Don't you?

If you do, just pray to Jesus like this:
Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and other people.

Please forgive me for every sin I have ever committed.

I also believe the God sent you Jesus, God's only begotten son, to die as a sacrifice for my sins.

I believe you died for my sins on a cross over 2000 years ago. I believe you died and your body was buried in a tomb.

I believe that God the Father raised you from the dead on the third day to prove that He accepted your sacrifice for my sins.

I believe that you went back to heaven and are with God the Father right now.

Please recieve me now into your family Jesus. I recieve you right now Jesus into my heart and life.

I will live for you for the rest of my life.

Please help me live the way you want me to from this point forward. Sent the Holy Spirit to live within me, to help me live and act as you want me to.

I love you Jesus Christ. Teach me to pray. Help me to learn about you and from you through your written word, the Bible.


If you prayed this and really meant what you prayed you have eternal life. You are part of the family of God. Now you need to fins a local group of people who believe what you just prayed and who teach the Bible in its entire context. Pray and read the bible often.

God Bless you!

Chris Jones
West Palm Beach, Florida

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I have a new determination to help as many people as I can discover the truth about who Jedssus Christ is. Jesus Christ is the only hope for the world. Evil will never be stopped unless human hearts are changed from within. No other religion or philosophy offers a "Living" God who can change the hearts of humans. No other religion offers a God who loves humans so much that He died for them. If we believe He will change our hearts.

Evil will end one day! Death will be no more. No more crying or saddness. Eternal joy and peace is promised and guiaranteed by the ressurection of Jesus Christ.

Follow Him!

NMAH Story: Remembered

All those who died. All those who risked their lives to save others. All of us have but one life. Maybe 80 years in the United States if you are fortunate. But no one knows the hour or the day in which they might stand before God in judgement. God has offered everyone eternal life through the sacrificial death of Hios Son Jesus Christ. If we fail to accept the free gift God has offered while we live there remains only the terror and fear of an eternaty in darknes and pain separated from God in a place reserved for evil and death and all those demons and satan who rebelled against God long ago.

You see, our spirits will live forever because they are spirit. God made us living spirits and clothed us in flesh. Our spirits can live forever with God, which would make Him very happy. Or, we will live forever apart from Him, which will make Him sad. It's our choice.

Choose now. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, I fly a flag. No, I always have respected and loved the flag.


“nmah3674.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,