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NMAH Story: Story
It was a normal Tuesday morning. I live in the Washington, DC area so I boared the Metro train to go to work. I heard nothing from anyone on the train and went to my office with no knowledge. I got to my office and checked voicemail and got a message from my boss telling me to check the security measures for our building, etc. Well, I still had no idea what was going on. So then I get a call from a colleage and they tell me I have to come and watch the TV. I get to the TV just as the first tower fell...I didnt want to believe it. As the chaos insued, I then hear that the Pentagon go hit, and then I knew it was for real...that we were under attack. Of all the things that have happened in my short 24 years on this earth, this was the first time I felt terrified for my life. The worst feeling though was hearing my mom leaving messages on my cell phone, in tears, because she is worried about me and I couldnt call her because the lines were totally jammed up. I felt helpless, vulnerable and frightened. I never want to feel like that again.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
I dont know if my life has changed so much as my views have changed. I think that the U.S., known for its "melting pot" ideas, maybe needs to re-think who we let in to this country. We have issues within that we need to deal with and we just keep letting more people in. Also, its apparent that the Middle-east wants nothing to do with us and maybe we should just take our oil and go home. Dont get me wrong, I love this country and what it stands for...but maybe this should serve as a lesson on how the Middle-East views us.
NMAH Story: Remembered
I think what should be remembered is how everyone came together that day, and the days to come. As I said earlier, I ride the metro and normally no one says a word to each other. That day, there was no race, there was no silence. Everyone was talking to each other and there was a closeness that I think should not only come about due to a tragedy such as this. We all need to love on another and put aside all of these petty things. We're in this country together.
NMAH Story: Flag
“nmah5496.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 26, 2024, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/46570.