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911DA Story: Story
On September 11th 2001 I was a Junior at Eustis High and I was in my second period American History class. We were all taking a quiz and a announcement came over the intercom telling us to turn on the news in our classrooms and that there had been a bombing at the WTC. we all stopped what we were doing and looked up at the TV. Thats when we all seen the 1st building in flames. Everyone in the classroom was stunned and in disbelief. All you here in the classroom was Oh My Gosh what happened?, wow!, just little comments like that. Thats when we watched the second plane hit the other building. Now that was definintly something that had freaked us all out. We couldnt believe what we had just seen. Is that possible? A huge plane flying into a building like that? We all questioned that but it was odvious to us that it was possible. After that we all just sat in silence, a few comments here and there but mostly silence. We pretty much sat in all our classes that day and watched the news. Then someone called in a bombthreat at our school and we all had to go out to the parking lot. Then we were all sent out to be with our familys. That day I was worried b/c I knew that my cousin Katherine was a flight attendent. To her luck and the luck of our familys we all feel as if she got a second chance at life b/c she was at Boston Airport getting ready to take off and they had canceled all of the flights. Once everyone was off her plane they found 2 of the same knives that were used in the previous hijackings. She was about to take off with terrorists on her plane. She told me that the FBI came to her house that night to find out if she remembered what the guys looked like. I was just so happy she was ok. September 11th to me was a day that brought our country closer but in a way that this country should have never seen.
“story10619.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 25, 2025,