September 11 Digital Archive






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SEIU Story: Story

My cousin is a firefighter, my father is a retired police officer, my sister is a federal worker, and I am a state employee. This incident could have easily happened to mi familia. <P>On Tuesday, I was returning from beautiful San Luis Obispo when I turned on the TV in my hotel room to hear the news of the day while I was getting dressed. When I saw what happened, my first thought was 'what third world country WAS attacked by terrorists' ... then I realized it was New York City. I realized at the moment ALL our lives have been changed forever by this cowardly act. <P>All week long two televisions has been turned on at work to let us know what's going on. My first thought was of the Port Authority men and women whom I met last year at the SEIU Convention in Pittsburgh -- names I have forgotten but whose generosity to my local have made a mark on my heart. <P>All week long I have been telling my co-workers that WE have family in that building, and of the generosity of other SEIU locals to us ... and that now is our time to give back in a BIG way. <P>And now with the update to the SEIU website, I see we have more family members involved. Words cannot express my sadness, but I know my action will. I am reminded of a slogan used by Andy Stern: 'Pray for the dead, fight for the living.' I pray each day for the souls of all those union brothers and sisters who showed me (and my local) kindness and support through the years ... and I fight for the living, their families. <P>Personally, I will be contributing financially and will be forwarding the e-mail send from Andy to all my co-workers. I will be asking our members (and non-members) to reach VERY deep into their pockets to contribute as well. To think of the lost, of a mother, father, brother, sister, and friend -- how can we not act? <P>Personally, I will be forwarding a check for $100 to you by the end of the work day because the great family of SEIU is in need, and how could I do anything less?

SEIU Story: Local Union



“seiu33.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,