September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

i walked into one of my patient's room and there on the tv were the details of the first plane crash being aired. i remember thinking how horrible that must of been for those people who were involved, dieing or dead. then all of the sudden the second airplane hit. i knew then it was no accident. i came out of the patient's room and told everyone at the nurses station what i had seen and heard. i called my dad at home and asked if he was watching the tv. he said no, i said turn it on, they are bombing New York with airplanes. later that day we heard of President Bush arrivial at Barksdale Air Force Base, which is about five miles from where i work. we all thought we would be in danger since we worked in a tall hospital. its was a scary day. the thing i thought about the most were the children on those planes. my oldest son, 15 then, has flown several times alone and all i could think about is what those poor children were feeling and the ones who were alone, how horrid. i had nightmares about that for awhile. my son has flown alone since because the terrorists will not win and will not dictate to this family. God bless


“story4329.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,