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911DA Story: Story
I received a phone call from my husband at the time the first tower was hit. I was getting ready to take my daughter to daycare and I myself was getting ready for school. I remember watching in horror as I sat on the telephone with my husband and my heart sinking further when I saw the next plane hit. Still in disbelief, or rather a false belief that people could still escape out of the tower, I took my daughter to school and I returned to the house to watch tv one more time. As I turned the tv on I witnessed the towers collapse. I was horrified and felt scared and immense sadness for the helplessness of the people that perished and their loved ones. I immediately called my family and friends. I set out for school, however upon arrival, I was informed that school had been cancelled. I anxiously drove to my daughter's school to pick her I up. I felt an intense need to be close to her and to hold her. As I drove home I learned of the Pentagon and the crash in Pensylvania. I felt under attack and suddenly very fearful of what the future of my daughter who was to turn two years old that Friday may hold.
At home, I went outside of my house to be close to God, suddenly in appreciation of all that we, as individual people and as a nation stand for. To my surprise and much to my comfort, I saw my neighbors and mere strangers uniting. It was the most patriotic moment of my life. I suddenly understood what it meant to be united, what it means to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. The strenghth, faith and pride that I gained from that day defeated the entire conquest of the terrorists. I now have a renewed appreciation of everything in my life and will not ever be afraid again. Everything that I do now, I do with meaning, for I learned about posterity. And although many perished, they did not die in vain. They rose from the ashes and united us as a nation, with no differences, just as loving, caring "human" beings. United we stand and always will. I am proud to be an American.
At home, I went outside of my house to be close to God, suddenly in appreciation of all that we, as individual people and as a nation stand for. To my surprise and much to my comfort, I saw my neighbors and mere strangers uniting. It was the most patriotic moment of my life. I suddenly understood what it meant to be united, what it means to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. The strenghth, faith and pride that I gained from that day defeated the entire conquest of the terrorists. I now have a renewed appreciation of everything in my life and will not ever be afraid again. Everything that I do now, I do with meaning, for I learned about posterity. And although many perished, they did not die in vain. They rose from the ashes and united us as a nation, with no differences, just as loving, caring "human" beings. United we stand and always will. I am proud to be an American.
“story4722.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,