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NMAH Story: Story
I was walking into 2nd period and the teacher had the TV on. When all the kids got into the class she explaned to us what has happen to the World Trade Center. When I heard that, I was completely shocked. I just couldn't believe it. As the day went on, I heard more and more details about the attact. I heard that some minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center that another plane hit the building. I was just stunned. After the day of school,I was talking to my parents and they said that this isn't the first time that the World Trade Center was attacked. Several years ago a bomb went off in the building and injured many people.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
It makes me wonder who or what could be attacked next? I don't take anything for granted anymore. We must put our faith in our President that we as U.S. citicens will be protected against future attacks.
NMAH Story: Remembered
How the U.S. came together to rescue victims at ground zero and at the Pentagon. How the victims of the 4th plane that crashed in Pennslyvania sacrificed themselves to overtake the plane from the terrorists and crash the plane to save thousands of lives. We became a stronger nation that day. We hang our flags with pride and remember all that have died for our country.
NMAH Story: Flag
Yes, we did put a flag outside our house. When I look at it every day it reminds me of everything that has happen to our nation and I am saddened by what has happened on September 11,2001.
“nmah665.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 25, 2024, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/44410.