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NMAH Story: Story
In great disbelif, I watched and heard about the attacks on America on the TV. A horrible feeling came over me as I realized that hundreds or thousands of human beings were facing their last moments in this life here on earth and they just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time..The kindness of others and willingness to help one another under such circumstances was eye opening...It was also shocking to me that the conditions of Afganastan were so incredibly horrible. As I had been involved in raising my 4 children and also working the small drapery and decorating business that my husband and I own, I guess, I had not been up on current events....I did know that other nations did not like Americans, however not to such an extent. At that particular time, we (my husband and I), had a small retail store ... selling fabric, window treatments, and gifts. I had felt discouraged that America did not really support the mom and pop small businesses very much and in fact felt that eventually, Americans would soon be left with 2 banks and Wal Mart..but, after 9/11, I realized what a wonderful country we live in dispite it's faults and soon I realized that I am privilaged to be an American!
NMAH Story: Life Changed
Life has changed for the nieve American, of whom, I was one. The reality of the fact there are individuals in this country who wish to harm our citizens and our country has been a bit shocking. I am sorry that the possibilities of terrorist attacks will even have to enter the thoughts of my children. The necessity for "Homeland Security" is paramount and I am grateful that our government is aware of that. Life will never be the same as it was before 9/11.
NMAH Story: Remembered
The historical element of 9/11 should be remembered totally and taught to generations to come...this was a huge deal and our strength as a country, A truely United Nation, should always be appreciated...And the fact that innocent individuals lost their lives should always be remembered as well. Unfortunately, I think that we also have to beware of the evil that is out in the world.
NMAH Story: Flag
I tried to fly a flag after the events of 9/11, however they were very hard to come by...I had customers coming into our little store shopping for them and as they were hard to find, I designed a flag called "America's New Hope"and wrote a poem about the construction of the flag. It can be viewed at www.americasnewhope.com It is a commemmorative piece about our "unity after tradgedy". Yes, I fly both an American Flag and an "America's New Hope" flag every day..They are very complimentary of one another...I submitted a design idea to Lower Manhattan Development Corporation that was a take off of my flag design...as a suggestion for the rebuilding of ground zero.
“nmah5411.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/43579.