September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

Just another story like billions of others. I woke up around 6:00 am California time and got my kids ready for school. We didnt turn on the tv that morning, dont know why. I had one daughter in JR high and the other in elementry school so I had to drive to two schools each day and its a long drive. Round trip takes about one hour. We got in the car and drove for a while about half way I turned on the radio and all every station had on it was DJ's talking. I had no idea what was going on. I kept hearing about a plane and a tower being blown up. I hurried and droped off one kid and then the other. I was debating on just going home with my kids but I also worked as a yard duty at my youngest daughters school so I knew I would be back ther later that day. I went home all the way listening to people say that we were under attack. When I finally got home which took forever, my husband was still asleep. I turned on the TV and saw buildings burning and then I ran into the room and woke up my husband saying to him "wake up! we are under attack" he just said WHAT! Then I said " America is under attack" so he would understand me better I said "get up" we watched in horor as a second tower was hit. I really had no idea what was going on at that point. Then a news man came on explaining what was happening and that they thought it was terrorist. When I finally put two and two together I was angry. Later that day I had to go to work at the school. I was only there mon thru fri for about two hours a day. When I got there the whole school was a buzz about what was going on and I felt like I didnt want to be there. I just wanted to take my kids home. But I had a job to do which was watching over those kids during lunch and recess. After a while I started thinking what if this school was attacked what would we do? So many kids and only three yard duties. It would be a mess. Funny how thoughts like that go threw your head. My life and everyones lives were changed on that day. I cried a lot more for the next few days. Having lost my father only two years earlier at the age of 51 to a sudden heart attack, I knew what it felt like to loose people without warning. I felt sorry for the familys of the ones lost. I also wanted revenge. I am still angry today and I dont think that will ever fade.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

What has mostly changed for me is knowing that we are not safe from war or terrorists. They could attack at anytime. I have been having night mares for a while now. Always I see planes going down and people dying. I have woken up in tears before and I dont understand why I am having these dreams. I didnt know anyone in the towers or pentigon or on the planes. But the images in my dreams are real to me at the time and in color. Very strange.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think Americans should remember that we are not amuned to attacks. We are vunerable at times. We should also remember that we can unit like no other when we need to. America is a very patriotic country. I love it here, I would also fight for our country if I needed to. I think we all would.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, we still fly our flags on our cars and on the house. I think it has changed the way I view our flag now. When I was in school it was just another daily thing we did by saying the pledge of allegiance, but now I cry when I hear someone saying it or if I hear our national anthem on the radio or at a game on tv. Tears well up in my eyes and I get a lump in my throat.


“nmah2089.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 20, 2024,