September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

Sitting in Math Class. I didnt really know what had happend bacasue we dont watch TV at school. When we got to third period, class went on until our teacher got an e-mail. Us kids bagan to talk. He said everybody be quiet the Trade Center has been bombed. I Personaly did not know what the trade center was until he showed us pictures of it. I knew it was in New York but thats about it. We wernt alowed to watch the News broadcast about it but we were told alot of information. We didnt go home early, we stayed at school the rest of the day, nobody knew how serious it really was until that night.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

A little, people are a little more scared about what could happen and more aware that our freedom could be taken away in a snap.

NMAH Story: Remembered

That it was a wake up call for America, Before not alot of people appriciated america for what it is and how good we have it. Once Sep. 11 happened we all woke up and thought that our freedom could have been taken away very easily. We should also remember the heros.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes My whole family did. Flags on cars on bumperstickers and house flages too. The flag symbolizes something new for everybody. Before it was just a flag to us, no real history. NOw its packed full of meaning.


“nmah2502.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 3, 2024,