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911DA Story: Story
I am 6th generation from the NYC area. I lived in Staten Island for 36 years. I spent much time downtown as a child. I remember the towers being built; people we knew worked on them. One foreman snuck us while they were under construction. I worked in #7 for a while. I worked downtown for 17 years. I had my first cup of coffee in my cousin's office in WTC #2. When Chase and Chemical merged we had huge parties in the plaza by the sphere. Thousands of people. It was incredible. And of course you always took out of town visitors to Windows on the World.
On 9/11/01 I was making some deliveries before going to my job. I heard the first report on the radio. I went home and saw what was going on on TV. I started to cry. Stunned, I still went to work. People were in conference rooms watching the TVs. People were asking me what certain terms, buildings and other NYC details were. It was strange and horrible to see all that was familiar to me coming down or covered in smoke.
Within 72 hours I heard from all of my friends and former co workers in NYC including one fireman who was early to the scene. And also from a friend in the reserves who had been called up. Their stories were horrible. Some e mailed pictures. I cried and cried. Luckily all of my friends were ok. I was sure I was going to lose someone that day but I didn't.
I went back in April 2002. I met up with friends who told even more horrific stories than before. I was walking up Wall Street to Broadway and when I turned onto Broadway I was overwhelmed by their abscence. Not seeing what I knew I would not see was unbearable. I just started crying. It was harding turning that corner than it was being on the platform. More shocking.
I took a picture of the sphere in battery park. I have it in my office. Such a reminder in such a pretty little park. The flowering trees are blooming in the background. The sphere near which, formerly my co workers and I celebrated.
Colorado Springs, CO
On 9/11/01 I was making some deliveries before going to my job. I heard the first report on the radio. I went home and saw what was going on on TV. I started to cry. Stunned, I still went to work. People were in conference rooms watching the TVs. People were asking me what certain terms, buildings and other NYC details were. It was strange and horrible to see all that was familiar to me coming down or covered in smoke.
Within 72 hours I heard from all of my friends and former co workers in NYC including one fireman who was early to the scene. And also from a friend in the reserves who had been called up. Their stories were horrible. Some e mailed pictures. I cried and cried. Luckily all of my friends were ok. I was sure I was going to lose someone that day but I didn't.
I went back in April 2002. I met up with friends who told even more horrific stories than before. I was walking up Wall Street to Broadway and when I turned onto Broadway I was overwhelmed by their abscence. Not seeing what I knew I would not see was unbearable. I just started crying. It was harding turning that corner than it was being on the platform. More shocking.
I took a picture of the sphere in battery park. I have it in my office. Such a reminder in such a pretty little park. The flowering trees are blooming in the background. The sphere near which, formerly my co workers and I celebrated.
Colorado Springs, CO
“story1335.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,