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Date Entered
NMAH Story: Story
i live in mesa arizona, and on that day i woke up, and got ready for school, i was picked up by one of my friends, and he told me that something was wrong, but he didnt know, what exactly, what it was. so when i got to school, my a-hour teacher had the tv on, and i saw it for the first time, and like 30 seconds later i witnessed the second plane hit the tower, and i just fell down in my seat in astonishment, and disbelief. from every class on all we did was watch the t.v. even at lunch, all eyes were glued.when i came home i learned the a worker for my dads company had been one of the ones on the plane that faught the terrorists. i was amazed at the couraged these men displayed. along with many other people these men are my heros, along with all the fire fighters and medical, and law inforcement personel.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
my life has been dramaticly changed, i now life my life every day with the knowlage that my own life could of been one of those on the plane or in the building, so i have a great appreciation for my own life.
NMAH Story: Remembered
i think we should not remember the deaths, and statistics, but remember and focus on the good things, like seeing out country come together in a time of need, and seeing all the support put together by peole who just wanted to help, and for websites like this one that alows people toexpress themselves how they want on such a tragic, yet glorious day.
NMAH Story: Flag
my family and i flew an american flag for the first year then took it down in fear that it might get stolen, or ruined, but yes, i have earned a graeter appreciation for not only the flag itself but who and what represents it. such as people on this day and people like george washington one of the founders of our country.
“nmah5451.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/42847.