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NMAH Story: Story
I was getting ready for school, as if it were a normal day. Around 7:30 that morning my father called me from his work and told my sister and I to turn on the television, that something of catastrophic proportions had happened - another Pearl Harbor. When I turned on the TV it wasn't hard to find out what all of the panic was about; every station bore witness. I couldn't quite believe what was happening. As I saw the planes crash into the Twin Towers, and just moments later tumble to the ground, I was in awe. It made my stomach churn as I saw people jump to their death from more than thirty stories. To be presented with the choice of having a burning building collapse on you, or free falling into the cement, terrified me. I hope I will never have to make that choice.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
It is still hard to believe what has taken place on American soil. I want to just imagine that it never occurred, but I know it has. Even though many innocent people lost their lives the morning of September 11, I know that not just evil has come from it. That day has changed me, and countless others, hopefully for the better. I try not to be bitter about these events because I believe it has brought us together as a nation like nothing else could have. For a while I was scared another attack would occur, and this time my friends and family wouldn't be so lucky. Although, I know it could happen again, I feel stronger both as an individual and as a nation. Every day I try not to take my life for granite, but be thankful that I still have a chance to make a difference, and live my life to the fullest.
NMAH Story: Remembered
NMAH Story: Flag
“nmah1274.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 11, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/42284.