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NMAH Story: Story
I was in Mrs. Simon's word processing class. I hate dthat class. She worked us to hard and the only person Id known had just switch out. So I was forced to sit all by myself looking at a computer for half the year. That was my "big"crisis". That was until Mrs. Simon left the room and didn't return for 15 mins. It was nothing out of the ordinary, we just thought it had to do with BPA stuff. 15 minutes pasted and Mrs. Simon came back in. She started to leture to us about Microsoft Word but stopped mid-sentence. She said it wasn't fair to us not to know what was going on. she then told us calmly that the WTC in NY and the Pentagon had had planes crash into them. Now being from Massachusetts, to me, there are alot of WTC buliding so that didn't impact me when she said "WTC" but the Pentatgon was big deal. So we took a vote and decided to go watch Tv in the other room. I started to watch teh Tv and realize that i did know what the WTC buliding were. They were two symbols of NY that you can't miss cause they tower over NY. But when I watched the TV i could only see. I only saw one tower. I was dumbfounded cause i knew there were 2. So i tried to look into the dust cloud but there was only one tower standing. A WTC tower taht tower any buliding I have ever seen, had followen to tthe ground. My hand started shaking and at that moment I knew taht my life was never goign to be teh same.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
I overact I think but low flying planes scare me now. When ever the speaker goes on in school I wait for Mrs. CArlson to tell us bad news about sone other peopel dieing. I sign on to Boston.com evryday expected to see a bullet saying "a national tradedy" Loud. crashing noises scare me too. I was lucky, only one person I sort of knew was truly affected my teh tradegy but it seems everyone was effect just as much. And i make sure to remind myself everyday that no body is safe from terrorism. Nobody!!!
NMAH Story: Remembered
That nothing was gained by taken 3,000 lives. Nothing!! Just hatred!!
NMAH Story: Flag
i was always very proud of the American flag. But now seein it and hearing a national song, I feel it hit my heart a little harder. I make suer to say the pledge now. I don't talk through it.
“nmah4804.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 25, 2024, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/41845.