September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

i was watching the news around 7.45 chicago time on that morning as i was getting ready to go to class, and there was a mention that one of the towers had been hit by a plane. My first thought was that it must've been some kind of freak accident... no thought that this had been deliberate crossed my mind until i heard about the pentagon. I told my mom to check out the radio on the way to class, and then there was the news that another plane had hit the other tower. I still didnt think of why or how this could've happened... i was just struck with awe that it did happen. In our drawing class we were listening to the radio (my favorite morning show too) and it was starting to get scary when the music had stopped being played. Around 9.00 we heard about the crash at the pentagon and our teacher came in crying because his son was on a plane from baltimore to nyc and he wasnt sure if he was okay, so he let us go... once i heard that there was the crash into the pentagon i just started crying. I realized that this wasnt just some coincidence, that this had to have been a concerted effort to harm us. After a few moments i wandered out onto the campus grounds and sat crying uncontrollably... and i really remember the perfect blue sky, it was just so perfect and beautiful - like one of those days that shouldnt have to end. People were gathering in the student center to watch the televisions and i couldnt bring myself to watch. I had to call mom to come pick me up but once i got to her i could barely speak, and i think she was crying too.
As soon as i got in the car i started sobbing on mom's shoulder and telling her that i love her (it was the first time that i remember calling her mommy).
The rest of the day after noon was spent getting in touch with family and friends - one of whom lives in upper manhattan - and watching the tv... i just couldnt take my eyes off it. All that night from10 til probly 2 or 3 am i spent watching mtv and cartoons, because whenever i would turn to any other channel with news on i would start crying all over again.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

During the first few weeks i was afraid of the planes that would fly overhead. That first night after the attacks was so eerie because we're always hearing the planes coming in and out of the local airport but that night there was hardly a sound except the occasional fighter jet making its rounds over downtown chicago. Now i want to go to the top of the sears tower too, just in case something happens to it. It has been my dream to go to new york and see the city from 100 stories in the air but that has obviously been put on hold. I still want to go and see it though, and even if it means breaking my heart all over again to go see the remains of the trade center it would be the best experience yet.
When i see or read things about that day i get teary eyed and i remember feeling so distressed and afraid. Even retelling what went on for me that day brings back all those feelings of exposure and fear. If it werent for his accident in basic training over that summer, my boyfriend would probly have been on his way to afghanistan... and he told me that if he could, he would have been more than willing to fight too. I never take things for granted anymore, especially the company i have with my friends and family.

NMAH Story: Remembered

The people should definitely be remembered, all the heroes and the victims because they are the model examples of the unity we need. But i really think we have to remember how we all felt that day and never forget that we are human, we all bleed and feel pain, and we should be humble and willing to serve each other no matter what diferences we see in others. We should all keep a watchful eye out and be careful as well as live like the free individuals that we are.

NMAH Story: Flag

we brought out mom's flag from when she lead girl scouts and hung it in the window til christmas. It was a bit old and was starting to turn yellow but its still a good flag. It was a comforting sign to see all these people waving and hanging the flag and i really felt like i wasnt alone.


“nmah2903.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,