Media Type
Date Entered
NMAH Story: Story
I was in training at my job at an airline near Washington Dulles Airpot in Dulles, VA, when someone came in and said a plane had hit the WTC. At first, we thought it was one of our planes, and started scrambling to try and find out more information. All of our phones, computers, everything was busy. My fiance was able to call me on my cell phone and told me everything that was going on. The 11th was his first official day as a commercial airline pilot...he had just finished up training on the 10th. His voice was shaky and he was upset...I knew that what was going on was severe. My friend's husband worked at the Pentagon, and as soon as we heard about the Pentagon, we raced to her house to be able to see the tv and witness what was going on. Then we sat and waited at her house hoping her husband would call. She had thought he worked near/around where the plane had hit, and was starting to get nervous. Four hours later he called her from a payphone near Arlington Cemetary where he had walked to. He was okay..but shaken. It was so nice to see her and her husband reunite at the Metro station. Finally, my parents were living in Brussels, Belgium...so I finally got through to them..and that's when I wished they lived closer and were not overseas. At the end of the day I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I just wanted to have my parents nearby to just hug and say I love them.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
My life has changed because of 9/11..I want to be with my parents more and I can not bring myself to go to an airport or be on a plane. I've always been scared to fly but now I get panic attacks just thinking about flying. My fiance is a pilot, and it's so hard to see him do his job and wonder if he'll ever be the first officer of a doomed plane. I pray more...for my family, for my fiance, for myself, for all the victims, and for the world. I now have panic and anxiety attacks almost weekly, and suffer from depression.
NMAH Story: Remembered
The people who lost their lives and the heroes that emerged from it all. Everyone from the victims, to their families, to the firemen and police....everyone in the US was a hero that day in some way or another. I also think it was a day where patriotism and a love for the USA cam together....and that Americans can stand strong no matter what happens.
NMAH Story: Flag
I would've flown a flag if I could have found one. I searched the whole DC area and couldn't find one...so I made a ribbon to wear out of red, blue and silver ribbon that I was able to find at Walmart. When flags were available...I bought one and kept it inside my apartment. My feelings about the flag I think have changed because I feel like it means more to me now....that I love America so much more and appreciate it so much more as well. I feel more patriotic towards America and all of us Americans living there.
“nmah5019.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/41685.