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911DA Story: Story
When the first plane hit, I was in school on a normal day, not knowing anything that had happened. Likewise for the second plane. It was not until i got on the bus to go home that I heard rumors of what had happened, everything from the Chinese attacking the White House to the the unfamiliar, yet known name of Osama Bin Laden. It wasn't until I got home that I finally turned on the T.V. So, that was when I saw footage of what happened and witnessed history.
On that day I remember going to my mother's friend Pat's house and doing my homework there. We went there,my sister an I, because my mom wasn't getting home until later on in the day and we didnt want to be alone. At Pat's house we watched the news to get all of the late breaking stories and information about the events.
It had affected my life for the fisrt month or so, but now I don't think of it as much as I had then. After the initial shock wore off, my life went back to the way it was before. No one i knew died in the attacks, so it didn't hit me as hard as it hit some others.
On that day I remember going to my mother's friend Pat's house and doing my homework there. We went there,my sister an I, because my mom wasn't getting home until later on in the day and we didnt want to be alone. At Pat's house we watched the news to get all of the late breaking stories and information about the events.
It had affected my life for the fisrt month or so, but now I don't think of it as much as I had then. After the initial shock wore off, my life went back to the way it was before. No one i knew died in the attacks, so it didn't hit me as hard as it hit some others.
“story2121.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,