September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I work out of my home office in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. I was on the phone on hold with a customer in New Jersey when I heard (on their radio)about a plane crashing into the World Trade Center. I hung up and turned on the TV and was witness to the second plane crashing into the Tower. As soon as that happened, the first words out of my mouth were Osama Bin Laden ! I follow world events very closely and knew that he was the only one how could have done this ! The next few hours were spent calling family and friends just to talk about these incomprehensible events ! I spent many of the next hours crying and enraged at the same time.

My niece from the Boston area travels extensively from Logan airport, I called my sister to ask her daughters wereabouts and was relieved to hear she was at home for the day.

Our son, who worked in a tower in downtown Toronto was sent home when most businesses here closed for the day.

We live near Toronto Airport, the erie silence of no planes landing or taking off was very noticible.

My wife and I went to our daughter and son-in-laws home to spend time with them and our new grangaughter, born on September 7th.

Its hard to believe a year has passed since that horrible day. It is still so fresh in my mind !

Thomas Priest-Brown

NMAH Story: Life Changed

We have always been very close to our children, these horrible events have brough us even closer.

I still have a deep sense of sadness AND rage !

NMAH Story: Remembered

The way Rudy Guliani handled the crisis. The way most countries backed President Bush's resolve to find and punish those responsible.

The victims and their families, in a national memorial, hopefully somewhere on those 16 acres in NYC.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, along side our Canadian flag ! And on a 'United we stand' lapel pin.


“nmah995.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 12, 2024,