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911DA Story: Story
I had just gotten back from taking my daughter Amanda to school. My husband had just gotten home from work. When I got in the door he called for me to come into the other room, where he was watching television. He said look at this, I thought he was watching a movie, but he said no it's real and it's happening in New York City. At first I cryed then I got scared. My first thought was, ARE THEY GONNA HIT SOMEWHERE ELSE! And even though it went through my mind I still could'nt believe it when they did. I went back and picked my daughter up from school, and we explained things to her the best we could. I cryed for days and was having nightmares for awhile afterwards. My heart went out to the victims families and still does today. I for one am so proud of America and Americans for showing such courage and determination. I will always be praying that something like this never, ever happens again. Thank you for letting me talk about this tragedy.
“story4849.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,