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NMAH Story: Story
I am a college teacher at the College of William and Mary
and I was on my way to work in my vehicle when I heard a talk show radio disc jockey remark that a plane had crashed into the WTC. My first thoughts were remembering the small single engine plane that crashed into a Tampa Fla. skyline and thinking this was another freaky incident. I was to teach a tennis class and my students were filing in with a lot more information about the incident and were saying to me that something very,very bad has happened. They were crying and scared and very confused. I finally realized that I needed to cancel this class and allow everyone to contact their loved ones as a great majority of our student body come from up the eastern seaboard. When I was able to sense the full gravity of this act of cowardly terrriorism I was crying too. I cried for all those who were trapped and those who were fleeing and for the families left with little hope.
We resumed classes at College in the next day or two and since that time I have a gut feeling that everyone is more caring and considerate and patient here now as a direct result of this horrendous act.
I recently visited NYC and Ground 0 and the hushed talk and reverence around this site was incredible. I think we should just make the site a large park and remember all that died in a special way similiar to the Vietnam Memorial in DC. This is a moment in our time that we should always remember and we need to honor the brave souls that perished. We should also remember that the evil ones would strike again tomorrow if we let our guards down. Let's remember this day and this site and be even stronger as a grand country.
Steve Haynie Professor
and I was on my way to work in my vehicle when I heard a talk show radio disc jockey remark that a plane had crashed into the WTC. My first thoughts were remembering the small single engine plane that crashed into a Tampa Fla. skyline and thinking this was another freaky incident. I was to teach a tennis class and my students were filing in with a lot more information about the incident and were saying to me that something very,very bad has happened. They were crying and scared and very confused. I finally realized that I needed to cancel this class and allow everyone to contact their loved ones as a great majority of our student body come from up the eastern seaboard. When I was able to sense the full gravity of this act of cowardly terrriorism I was crying too. I cried for all those who were trapped and those who were fleeing and for the families left with little hope.
We resumed classes at College in the next day or two and since that time I have a gut feeling that everyone is more caring and considerate and patient here now as a direct result of this horrendous act.
I recently visited NYC and Ground 0 and the hushed talk and reverence around this site was incredible. I think we should just make the site a large park and remember all that died in a special way similiar to the Vietnam Memorial in DC. This is a moment in our time that we should always remember and we need to honor the brave souls that perished. We should also remember that the evil ones would strike again tomorrow if we let our guards down. Let's remember this day and this site and be even stronger as a grand country.
Steve Haynie Professor
NMAH Story: Life Changed
I am more patient and forgiving for sure, to my family and my students.
NMAH Story: Remembered
the people who died: by making the site WTC a park and their names displayed in a unique way. Maybe two spheres of light shinning upward 24 hours a day 360 days a year forever.
NMAH Story: Flag
I did before and now I fly two American flags at home.
“nmah2886.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/40622.