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911DA Story: Story
"I think you had better get up and turn on your tv," were the first words I heard on September 11, 2001. It was a Tuesday morning, and I had the day off from work. I was catching up on some much needed sleep when I awoke to images, sounds and emotions that I had never in my life experienced.
I sat on the edge of my bed, and did not move a single muscle as I watched the events unfold on my television screen. This unbelievable calm came over me, as if my body was shutting down with each word from the mouths of the reporters trying to make sense of pure chaos.
In no way shape or form could I fully wrap my mind around what happened that morning. In my mind I understood what had taken place, but it took much longer for my heart to feel to impact of those planes.
When I think back on this past year, intense is the adjective that comes before every other word. Intense shock, intense hate, intense loss, intense grief, intense courage, intense unity, intense strenth, and love. Now that the dust has settled for some, and the world has gained back a portion of it's sense of normalacy, the lack of intensity in everyday life almost leaves me feeling empty at times.
The images of planes crashing into buildings,the fire, the smoke, the names and the faces of September 11 will always stay with me,but even more so are the events that took place after that day.
I remember the flag, our flag everywhere for as long as you could see. On porches, on cars, on windows, on t-shirts, on pins, overpasses, on buildings, being held up high by the citizens of other countries.
I remember the songs being sung by everyone who knew the words, and by some who didn't quite know them all.
I remember sitting on the front lawn with my family, lit candles in hand, and seeing neighbors who I'd never taken notice of before doing the same.
I remember looking up on the nights no planes flew in the sky, and despite the reason why, thinking of how beautiful it looked with the only light shining coming from the stars.
I remember the words, "Don't tread on me," accompanied by an American flag drawn larger than life for everyone to see across a sand dune while driving to Monterey.
I remember a group of 12 children dancing and singing on a street corner all with flags in their hands, waving them to every car that passed.
When I think of September 11, I think of the horror I saw that day, but I'll always remeber the beauty I witnessed on the days after.
“story1764.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 1, 2025,